Picture Gallery
For photos taken at conferences and other events (2009 – 1996) SEE:
Teachers, Colleagues and Mentors

Umberto Eco at Italian Institute Toronto April 12, 2012

With Umberto Eco at the University of Torotno, 2012
During a memorable conversation with Umberto Eco at the University of Bologna, in 1989, I complimented him about the brilliance of his two teaching assistants, whose work with large classes I had been witnessing during my research time there. He exclaimed: “Ah, sono più bravi di me!” One of his colleagues suggested to me that Eco’s greatest gift was as a teacher.
The first Eco assistant I met was Alessandro Zinna. He introduced me to Prof. Cristina Cano, in whose class at the Bologna Conservatory I met my great friend and mentor Prof. Graziano Ballerini.

Alessandro Zinna, Eco's assistant at the University of Bologna, 1989-90
Another splendid assistant was Maria Pia Pozzato. I have saved through the years the outline of one of her Doctoral lectures given in the presence of Eco. LINK. I had the great pleasure of recognizing her in 2013 at a conference in Louvain and being able to reconnect.

Maria Pia Pozzato with Paolo Rosato, (Louvain, April 2013)
Saved from Maria Pia Pozzato presentation while a doctoral student in Bologna, 1990 - PDF Document
Reminiscences – PDF

Renato Barilli with Mariolina Franceschetti, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Toronto 1988
Reminiscences – PDF

Vilnius 2008 Eero Tarasti, Gino Stefani and Raymond Monelle
Gino Stefani, Berio, U.ofT. 2013 - PDF Document
Reminiscences – PDF

János Starker

With Starker & his daughter Gabriella , Bloomington 1982

György Sebök in Banff

Sebok in Banff 1970s

The Liszt photo G. Sebok kept in his Studio at Indiana

Sebok letter re Thesis 1965 - PDF Document
György Sebök Commemoration Nov.19, 2009 - PDF Document

Ernen, Switzerland. With Kieth Mullback in front of Sebok's Studio
Reminiscences and Tribute

Indiana University with Prof. Walter Robert and Charles Webb, 1960s

St. Louis, 1958-09, with Dr. Leo Sirota

St. Louis, with Dr. Sirota after Master's recital 27.6.1959

Alfred Cortot picture in Paris 1995

Carlo Zecchi e il bicchiere di latte,1964

Carlo Zecchi 's class in front of the Mozarteum, 1950s

Salzburg 1949

Salzburg 1949

1950 Mozarteum with Carlo Zecchi

Maestro Eusebio Curellich early 1940s

Remembering Maestro De Rosa. Coaching a trio at Western, with the Trio di Trieste old recording as an example
Dario De Rosa
Graziano Ballerini
Link to Intervista (In Italian)

With Guido Agosti during his visit to Western for a master class, 1980s

With Kendall Taylor after a lecture-recital in Sarnia

Marija Stroke after the concert of her wonderful Apollo Trio in London, Ontario [date]

In 1984 at Lugano with Henry Stroke, who brought a recording of Marija's Schubert late Sonata in A.

In 2001 at CERN in Switzerland, having lunch with Marija's parents, Henry and Norma Stroke

With Jan Lisiecki during his first visit to London, Ontario, 2009

In Imatra, Finland, after the June 2000 Congress with Dario Martinelli, Susanna Välimäki, Drina Hocevar

A visit with Ellen Urho, former president of he Sibelius Academy, Helsinki 2000.

First encounter with Glenn Gould's statue in Toronto.

After a Bartok lecture at the Sala dei Marmi, Pesaro, with Prof. Graziano Ballerini

A marvelous encounter with pianist Georgina Zellan-Smith and her husband, in New Zealand 1997

Salon concert with Sabina Skalar in Paris, 1955

Rehearsing with Sabina Skalar in Vermont 1992

In Sabina Skalar's cottage in Vermont, 1992

Saying hello to R.Murray Schafer at a conference in Calgary, 1990

Meeting again Douglas Hofstadter, at a conference in Calgary, 1990 [More]

Meeting Rachmaninov's grandson after a conference at Western [More]

With Howard Shelley, after his concert in London Ontario [More]

In 1993 with Bonnie Shewan and Ralph Aldrich after a performance of Bartok's Sonata forTwo Pianos and Percussion [Other photos coming]

With Western colleagues Ron Turini and Janusz Skowron after a concert [More]

John Cage in Banff [More]

John Cage Western Program [More, lovely encounter]

Meeting again with Pierre Boulez [More re Flavigny]

Tom Aitken, Pierre Boulez, Joseph Macerollo, in Toronto [More]

Bernard Flavigny, my gracious mentor in Paris in 1954-55 [More]

With Julien Musafia, Bernard Flavigny, Emy Behar in Prague, 1948 [More]

Group of participants in Smetana Competition, in Prague, 1948. Flavigny in centre, back

In 1948, after the Smetana Competition, at the Prague train station with Bernard Flavigny, Emmy Behar

With violinist Igor Ozim and composer & friend Pavle Merku in Trieste, 1950s [More]
1969 2 portraits taken in Banff Alberta, during a Summer Research Residency.

1986 Winnipeg Art Gallery. Brancusi’s Majastra Lecture-Recital.

1990 Bologna. Leaving my apartment before a Liszt-Bartók recital.

1995 With Roberta Lantieri, after my first presentation in Italy of “Il Mondo di Béla Bartók” . Conservatorio di Musica ‘Giuseppe Tartini’ Trieste.

1996 Imatra, Finland. Piano Recital Liszt-Bartók, and paper.

1997 After a Bartók presentation in the lovely Sala de’ Marmi, Conservatorio di Musica “Gioacchino Rossini” Pesaro, Italy.

Radio and Television Programs
1957 During a Radio program at Radio Trieste, from my series Glasba za naše malčke/ A piccoli passi which I created & conducted for two years, and for which I received the Fulbright award that brought me to North America in September 1958.

Summer 1967 Live Piano Solo and Vocal Recital (with Prof. James Stark) on CFPL Television, London, Ontario.

With Nadja Kralj, Director of the Music Section, Radio Trieste-A, 1995

CFPL TV - Presenting the fortepiano at Western 1980s

Emporia TV Kansas - Musical programs for children.
1979 While driving me to Thunder Bay from the airport, Prof. Heather Morrison pointed out the banner across the highway, which advertised my Summer Course for music teachers at Lakehead University.

1990 With Western colleagues after Convocation.

1992 A visit to celebrated Slovenian dancer Veronika Mlakar , who had left new York to run a farm in Nova Scotia.

1995 An autographed picture from Inuit singer Susan Aglukark, whose work I had assigned a few months earlier in my class at the Université canadienne en France in Villefranche. Later that year I ended my first public ‘return encounter’ held in my home town, Gorizia (Italy) with Susan Aglukark’s Inuit version of Amazing Grace.
1994 in Stratford, Ontario, prior to my departure for the Université canadienne en France in Villefranche, with Bonnie Shewan and … a bottle of Slovenian wine.

2001 Ernen, Switzerland
